Here is a simple veggie bake that I brought to a potluck breakfast. I diced half a medium onion and chopped 2-3 handfuls of baby spinach. I mixed them with 10 beaten eggs and poured it into a greased, 9 x 13 baking pan. Then I topped it with very thinly sliced tomatoes. Bake 25-30 minutes at 350 deg or until eggs are set.
Today, I had some left over grilled asparagus, so I built my scramble around it. I began by sautéing 1/2 an onion in some olive oil. Once translucent, I added the chopped asparagus and a handful of real bacon bits (optional). When the bacon began to crisp, I added about 1 cup of baby spinach, then 6 beaten eggs. Scramble until eggs are cooked to your liking and top with cracked pepper and crumbled gorgonzola.
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