Here is a weekly recap of my TIP of The Day on Facebook this week. For more TIPs of The Day, you can follow me here on Facebook – One TIPsy Chick
5 TIPs to keep your floors clean and fresh:
To minimize the wear on heavy traffic areas, vacuum the carpet at least twice per week. If you don’t have the time to do the whole house, at least hit those traffic areas.
To remove black scuff marks from your kitchen floor, gently rub with either dryer sheets or a magic eraser. (Some say a pencil eraser will work too!) Once gone, wipe clean with a damp paper towel.
Many carpet cleaning solutions leave a residue behind, which will likely attract more dirt to the area where used. Hot water with a little white vinegar will clean and deodorize the carpet, without leaving a residue. Vinegar and water is also excellent for removing pet stains and odors. (always spot test in an inconspicuous area before using)
Baking soda is a great, natural rug deodorizer. For best results, vacuum first to remove dirt. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on your rug and leave it for at least an hour. The longer you let it sit, the better it will work. (I do this overnight) Vacuum up the baking soda and see how the odors just fade away!
Area rugs should be rotated every 6 months to increase its durability. This is especially important if the rug lays in a high traffic area.
* I did not receive compensation for any product displayed in this post.
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