If you are an online shopper, are you familiar with Ebates? I love, love, love this site. If you access your retailers through Ebates, you get additional cash back! You must register with Ebates first, then you will receive what they call your “Big Fat Check” quarterly. I originally heard about them on a news program, 3 years ago. I’ve been using them since.
For example, Macy’s is currently offering a 10% rebate through Ebates. The rates vary. You can still use your online coupons too! Rates can be anywhere between 1% and 12%. I even bought my domain name from GoDaddy.com, using an online coupon and got 7% cash back from Ebates! When I have to make a larger purchase to make from a major retailer, like Home Depot or Walmart, I will order online and do a store pick-up. This way I can get my rebate, use an online coupon code, if any, and save on shipping too. This was really helpful at Christmas time. I ended up with a Big Fat $50 rebate check! Always check their rates near holidays. Right now there is double cash back from several retailers for the Fourth of July.
I highly recommend checking them out if you shop online.
* This is my own personal, unsolicited opinion about this website. Ebates has no knowledge of this post, nor have I been compensated for it.
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