I would rather scrub a dirty toilet than fold laundry and put it away. Seriously. I don’t know why, but I just hate it. A feeling of dread comes over me when I look at a laundry basket with clean clothes in it. I’ll sort light & dark, wash and even hang the items that can’t go in the dryer without hesitation. BUT, the very thought of separating and folding and putting away those clothes, UGH, pure misery. ( I admit that I’ve let it pile up in hopes of someone else doing it, but NINE loads piled up and got so wrinkled that I had to rewash everything. Didn’t work out like I planned…)
Then one day I had an epiphany. My kids are mid-upper elementary age and are perfectly capable of folding their own laundry. Heck, they could even wash their own clothes (which will happen soon). I don’t know why this didn’t occur to me sooner. They do other chores. And I learned to do the laundry before I was 8 years old.
So heres my TIP – I wash one person’s laundry at a time. Once dry, I lay it flat in their basket and return it to their room. They are responsible for sorting, folding and putting it away. This is so much easier then combining all lights & darks, then having to sort by person after its all done. I know many of you don’t mind the laundry, but if you hate it like me, this might make things a little easier.
If you want to get the kiddos used to being involved with the laundry, then when they’re still too young to fold & put away, let them sort tops, bottoms, undergarments or fold towels.
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