I know this would have been more helpful earlier in the summer, but the warm days aren’t over yet! Theres nothing worse than opening your trash pail and being knocked over by a rancid odor on a hot day! Or any day for that matter. Outside is bad enough, but how about the day your cook fish or cut raw onions and later on, the whole kitchen is filled with foul odors?
I found two ways to reduce this problem. The first is to put any strong smelling remains in sealed ziplock bags before throwing them away. (This can also help with leaking too.)
The next is to freeze some trash items until the day of trash pick up. I know that sounds odd, but it really works. Years ago, we moved to Arizona. I prepared fish one evening and threw the paper wrapper from the fish market in the trash. By the next morning, my kitchen smelled horrible. I forgot to take out the trash that evening. This happened to have been the day after trash pickup. As the week went on, the bag happened to tear and our trash bin smelled so bad, it was unbearable. The whole side yard smelled of rotten fish. We had to bleach it afterwards. From that day on, anything that had a strong odor, I sealed in a ziplock bag and popped it in the freezer until trash day. That way it was removed in the morning pickup and it never had time to turn rancid in the heat. Or more importantly, in our pail!
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